If you need help with these services, please contact us via our 免费翻国外墙的app. Support requests are high during this period. We administer help requests as a department and will assign the requests to available staff.
As an additional resource, NUS faculty should encourage students to avail themselves of audit courses on edX and 在国内怎么翻国外app to supplement their learning.
CDTL has opened additional workshops and online webinars. Click here to access CDTL Toolkit for e-Learning.
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Why hybrid classroom?
While this is not an ideal situation, it is one that will be reality for the moment. It is imperative that students joining from outside the classroom have as good a learning experience as possible. With some preparation and practice, this can be done. There will be exceptions where the nature of the module requires physical presence or specialised equipment available only on campus. While we cannot address every situation, we hope that these instructions provide a starting point for hybrid classrooms. |
Hybrid classroom - Tutorials Recording in LTs and Seminars Rooms |
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LumiNUS |
Download 快帆-海外华人听国内音乐看视频玩游戏的中国 ...:2021-9-18 · 「快帆」是一款免费帮助海外华人用户翻墙回国内高速访问中国网络的VPN加速软件,可伍让境外华人从国外直连到中国国内,无论在世界何处,都可伍无任何限制的使用酷狗、网易云音乐、QQ音乐、优酷、爱奇艺、B站、微信等国内资源,即使身在海外也能与
LumiNUS Staff HelpDesk LumiNUS Guides |
Web Lectures (Lecture Recordings in LT) |
Rest assured that should you opt for this option, CIT will assist you in familiarising yourselves with the technology required for a successful session. |
Web Lectures HelpDesk Baixar 翻墙 VPN(免费版) para PC Grátis (lantern.super ...:2021-7-22 · 4,6/5 (2.419 votos) - Baixar 翻墙 VPN(免费版) para PC Windows Grátis. Como Baixar e Instalar o 翻墙 VPN(免费版). 翻墙VPN是免费翻墙神器,翻墙VPN是一款国外游戏加速器, 翻墙VPN 翻墙是科学上网工具,翻墙VPN可流畅访问Google Self-Record from LumiNUS with Panopto Web Lecture Request |
Podcast or PowerPoint with Audio |
PowerPoint Recording |
Self-recording of Lecture Videos | 快帆加速器——华人专用听国内音乐看视频玩游戏的VPN工具 ...:快帆加速器——华人专用听国内音乐看视频玩游戏的VPN工具: Free Android app (5.0 ★, 50,000+ downloads) → Fast sail - overseas Chinese listen to domestic music …
在国内怎么翻国外app Panopto Guide Camtasia Online Tutorials |
Assisted Production of Lecture Videos |
Please contact CIT if you require assistance for your lecture videos, for example: lightboard recording, animation, on location shoot, etc. Please note that this type of videos would require more preparation and time to produce and at times there will be cost involved. Please have your outline ready for discussion with CIT as soon as possible and CIT would be able to advise you on the time and cost required to produce the videos. |
Examples of the videos |
在国内怎么翻国外app |
Live online lectures can be carried out using Zoom and it can accommodate up to 300 students. Instructors can share their desktop, applications and annotations live to students locally and overseas. If required, instructors can also create break out rooms to break students into different discussion groups and then bring them back into the main session after the group discussion. 出国必备软件,聊聊我在澳洲最常用的手机APP~ - 小雪人WHV:2021-9-2 · 快帆加速器:哈哈哈伍前我伊都是用各种翻墙软件翻墙出去,现在需要翻墙回国才能看爱奇艺、听虾米和qq音乐了。苍天绕过谁。我不仅下载了快帆的手机版,也下载了电脑版。之前都是靠着快帆和国内好友的爱奇艺会员追《延禧攻略》的。 Instructors and students would need an internet connection, headset with microphone and a web camera (optional). Instructors can schedule these sessions through the Conferencing tool in LumiNUS. |
Web Conferencing / Zoom HelpDesk Zoom Guides Zoom Guide for Classes Strategies to engage students using Zoom |
Other Tools |
Poll Everywhere Guide Microsoft Teams Guide
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ONLINE TUTORIALS & SEMINARSRecording lectures is straightforward, compared to conducting an online tutorial. |
LumiNUS |
工信部回应VPN指导意见:不会影响国内外用户正常使用 ...:2021-1-30 · 中国网1月30日讯国务院新闻办1月30日举行新闻发布会,华尔街日报记者就VPN相关情况在会上进行提问,"请您介绍一下于1月27日发布的关于VPN的指导意见 ...
LumiNUS Staff HelpDesk LumiNUS Guides For questions regarding LumiNUS discussion forum, please use LumiNUS Support and indicate Forum as the LumiNUS tool. Forum Guide in LumiNUS |
Live Online Tutorials |
Live online tutorials can be carried out using Zoom. Both instructors and students can share their desktop, applications and annotations. If required, instructors can also create break out rooms to break students into different discussion groups and then bring them back into the main session after the group discussion. Zoom sessions can be recorded and videos can be shared with the students after the session. Please inform your students beforehand that the session will be recorded. Instructors and students would need an internet connection, headset with microphone and a web camera (optional). Instructors can schedule these sessions through the Conferencing tool in LumiNUS. |
Web Conferencing / Zoom HelpDesk Zoom Guides Strategies to engage students using Zoom Zoom Webinar Account Application |
Other tools |
Poll Everywhere Guide Microsoft Teams Guide
Office Lens
Other Considerations |
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Options |
ExamSoft - Examplify Assessment
ExamSoft - Performance Assessment
LumiNUS Quiz
LumiNUS File Submission Folder Without Turnitin Integration
LumiNUS File Submission Folder With Turnitin Integration
快帆Speedin apk file | ApkFiles.com:Download free apk file 『全新上线,免费使用』 「快帆」是一款免费帮助海外华人用户翻墙回国内高速访问中国网络的VPN加速软件,可伍让境外华人从国外直连到中国国内,无论在世界何处,都可伍无任何限制的使用酷狗、网易云音乐、QQ音乐、优 海外党想听歌怎么办,在美国试试这些软件 - 北美便利贴:2021-8-27 · 由于地域限制,很多听歌软件在国外无法使用。除了使用youtube,海外党想听歌怎么办,在美国试试这些软件 忙碌的海外生活之余,除了看看电影(美国电影院盘点和买票选座攻略),开车兜风逛逛加州一号公路,我伊还可伍选择听听歌放松放松。。相信很多人都会发现,来到美国之后涉及版权的 ... 在国内怎么翻国外app LumiNUS Files Submission Folders LumiNUS Files Submission Folders with Turnitin Integration Take-home Exams - Staff Take-home Exams - Students |
Academic Integrity |
In order to ensure the robustness of digital assessments, you are advised to follow good assessment practices to minimise the occurrence of cheating or dishonest behaviours by students. |
Good Assessment Practice |
More detailed information can be found here. Rest assured that CIT will assist you in familiarising yourselves with the technology required for a successful assessment. |
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